
If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with a condition such as glaucoma, you may have a lot of questions you need answered to understand the next steps. Glaucoma is actually a very serious eye disease but it can be managed appropriately and treated to ensure maintenance of a good quality of life. Dr. Brian Groat of Cape Fear Cataract and Cornea can educate Wilmington, NC area patients about glaucoma to help them fully understand the condition and find an effective solution for treatment.

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is best described as a serious eye disease that results from high pressure levels inside of the eye. These high pressure levels damage the optic nerve and can lead to continued vision loss and even permanent vision loss if not diagnosed and treated in the earlier stages.

Who is at risk of glaucoma?

It should be understood that while glaucoma can affect patients of any age, it is commonly seen in patients who are in middle-age or older. It is also hereditary and should be regularly screened for in patients who have family members that have also been diagnosed.

What are the signs of glaucoma?

In most cases, no symptoms of the condition occur until there is vision loss. This makes it hard to detect in the early stages without routine evaluations. Our team highly recommends patients have regular, preventative eye examinations performed by an optometrist to look for the early signs of glaucoma to prevent vision loss.

What is the treatment for glaucoma?

Medicated eye drops can help, but it cannot reverse damage already done. In cases where extensive vision loss has occurred, laser surgery is often recommended.

Are you ready to learn more about glaucoma?

Dr. Brian Groat and his team at Cape Fear Cataract and Cornea in Wilmington, NC are pleased to offer patients in the community solutions for their eyes and eye health. If you are located in the community and want to start working with an experienced provider, call the office at (910) 769-4590. We encourage new and current patients to call our practice to schedule a consultation visit with our team and see what a difference a qualified provider can make when it comes to your vision health!