Blog,Cataract Surgery,IOLs

Patients of the Wilmington, NC area who have cataracts that are worsening will find that cataract surgery will aid in restoring their vision. Those who have been diagnosed with astigmatism in the past may find that they need different prescriptions than those without astigmatism. Astigmatism can cause patients to deal with unfocused vision at all distances, including both near and far. When patients are having cataracts addressed with surgery, the use of a toric ocular lens can not only help address the cataract issue, but correct the patient’s astigmatism and free them from eyeglasses for good! 

What are toric ocular lenses? 

Patients who have cataract surgery will find that the placement of a toric ocular lens is their best option. These lenses correct the astigmatism, which is a refractive error, and allow the patients to eliminate their dependence on prescription eyeglasses. The toric lenses are extremely small and placed during cataract surgery by an experienced provider such as Dr. Brian Groat at Cape Fear Cataract and Cornea. in Wilmington, NC. 

How do I know if toric ocular lenses are right for me? 

Patients who have an astigmatism and use a standard intraocular lens will find that even after the procedure, their condition is not corrected and they still need to wear prescription eyeglasses for both near and distant vision. However, by using a toric ocular lens, patients can live freely without prescription glasses to correct their vision from astigmatism. To determine if you are a good candidate for toric ocular lenses, patients should have a comprehensive eye examination, measurements of the eye, and a corneal curvature evaluation. This can help Dr. Brian Groat find out if patients are proper candidates for this or other ocular lenses with their future cataract surgery. 

Schedule an appointment with the team at Cape Fear Cataract and Cornea 

Wilmington, NC patients who have an astigmatism and want to learn more about the benefits of using toric ocular lenses are welcome to book an evaluation with Dr. Brian Groat and his team. His facility is located at 1915 South 17th Street, Suite #101 and accepts new patients who book an appointment at (910) 769-4590.